Friday, May 10, 2024

Weber Power Lifting

 We are excited for our Weight Lifting Competition at Weber High! We understand there are a lot of things going on, and it's hard for everyone to be there. We as a program, decided that we want to award those that are making the effort to be there, by paying for any participants who will be going Saturday. This expresses the importance of our off season training and fits with our core mission of developing ourselves in every facet.

We've compiled a list of those that have illustrated that they will be attending.  Everyone that will be attending needs to fill out the registration, and have a parent sign the waiver form by following this link below. (Copy and Paste in a new browser)

This needs to be completed before we leave Saturday morning. We will meet together at Bountiful High, in the upper parking lot at 9:30 AM, and leave at 9:45 AM to travel to Weber High.  Our lifting time starts at 11:00 AM, and we should be done around 1:00 PM for any parents that would like to come and watch.

If you are unsure if you are on the list and would like to attend or need to get a hold of us, then you can reach out to Coach Jason Walker on his cell at 435-770-6928.

Let's Go Compete!!

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