Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Week of AUGUST 25-31

Time flies when we are having fun!  Another great game on Friday night. Thank you, friends and family, for coming out to support the boys. We have a great community.

We are so grateful for the team moms and for planning and serving breakfasts each game day.  They couldn't do it without all your help donating small items, please continue to check the Sign Up Genius each week. Team Breakfast

Friday we were lucky to have Principal Warnick come speak to the team. His focus was on Mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, learn from them and move on. Don't let that prevent you from making the next play.

For anyone that hasn't paid all the football fees, please make sure those are taken care of as soon as possible. They are past due at this point. Coach Freck will begin talking with players that haven't paid fees, if there are any issues with paying fees, please let Coach Freck know.

For those of you interested, we have a representative from Coleman Knitting coming to size for Lettermans Jackets. We will meet just outside of the weight room at 7:00 PM on TUESDAY, August 27th. If you have any questions or would like more information. Please reach out to Carrie, at 801-604-9331. ALL ARE WELCOME!

This is a short week for us with Varsity on THURSDAY night at home and JV/FROSH at Olympus on Wednesday.


Monday -

4:00 - 6:45 PM Varsity (Full Pads) 

5:00 - 7:30 PM Frosh (Full Pads)

Tuesday -

4:00 - 6:45 PM Varsity (Full Pads)

5:00 - 7:30 PM Frosh (Full Pads)

Wednesday -

"Best Thursday in Football" - WEDNESDAY edition

7:00 -8:25 AM - Varsity (Shells- No Guardians) *Back for 5th period at 9:35 for film.

4:00 PM JV @ Olympus **BUS leaves at 1:45 PM, excused from class at 1:30 PM (all of 8th period, make sure you touch base with your 8th period teacher)

6:00 PM Frosh @ Olympus **BUS leaves at 4:30 PM, arrive to weight room at 4:15 PM

Thursday -

7:00 PM Kickoff @ Home vs Olympus {KJAZZ Game of the Week}

**Uniform - Red Jersey, Gray Pants, Red Accent

***Arrive in weight room at 5:20 PM

Friday -

Varsity Film/Conditioning during class starting at 7:15 AM (Helmets)

Saturday - OFF




PM - Varsity 2:00-3:00 Lifting/Opponent Scout

Varsity Practice 3:30 - 6:00 PM

Frosh Practice 4:30 - 7:00 PM

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Week of August 18-24

 What a game on Friday!  Nothing beats Friday Night Lights! Let's keep up the grind, in school and on the field.  Hope the first few days of school went well for all!

Team breakfast Sign up for this Friday can be found HERE Thank you for your continued help each week.  The boys love it!


Monday -

4:00-6:45 PM Varsity (Shells)

5:00-7:30 PM Frosh (Full Pads)

Tuesday -

4:00-6:45 PM Varsity (Full Pads)

5:00-7:30 PM Frosh (Full Pads)

Wednesday -

4:00-6:30 PM Varsity (Full Pads)

5:00-7:00 PM Frosh Shells)

Thursday - 

"Best Thursday in Football"

6:30-7:55 AM - Varsity (Shells) *Back to start of 6th period at 9:00 AM

4:00 PM JV @ Farmington **Bus leaves at 2:00 PM, excused from class at 1:45 PM

6:00 PM Frosh @ Farmington **Bus leaves at 4:45 PM

Friday -

7:00 PM Kick off at Home VS. Farmington                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   **Uniform: Red Jersey, Red Pants, Black Accent                                                                ***Arrive in weight room by 5:20

FRIENDS AND FAMILY will be allowed on to the field after home games.  We apologize for the confusion last week, we know this is important to give players a chance to be with family/friends. Please do your best to remain off the track and we ask that you enter the field  by using the turf pieces laid across the track. Once the air horn goes off, we ask everyone to clear the stadium!

Saturday -

7:00-9:00 AM Varsity Film/Conditioning (Helmets)


Sunday, August 11, 2024


Thank you for all your support at the Red and Gray game! What a great time watching the boys work together! It's time for them to put it all out there- GAME TIME! Our first pre season game is this Friday on our home field!!

Our team store closes this Thursday. Get any last minute purchases now!! TEAM STORE

Each week we host a Game Day Breakfast for the Varsity players during football class.  We'll usually ask for a few small donations and volunteers to help set up, serve and clean up. 


This is the last week both Varsity and Frosh will start at the same time.  Starting next week, Varsity will start at 4:00 PM and the Frosh will Start at 5:00 PM. For this week, the AM sessions will be vor Varsity ONLY.  We are being told Fridays game at home is GOOD TO GO! If we gain access to the stadium before Friday, we will let everyone know and possibly adjust the schedule but for this week everything will be at Millcreek Jr.


AM - Varsity only. Weights/Opponent Scout 12:00 - 1:30 PM (Coaches in teacher meetings)
PM - Practice 5:00-7:30 PM (shells)

*August 12th - Mandatory Fall Sports Parent Meeting at 6:00 PM, BHS Auditorium. At least 1 parent of each athlete is required to attend.

Tuesday - 

AM - Varsity Only. Film/Opponent Scout 9:00-10:30 AM
PM - Practice 5:00-7:30 PM (full pads)


AM - Varsity Only. Weights/Film 9:00-10:30 AM
PM - Practice 5:00-7:30 PM (full pads)


Varsity Class -1st Period
Soph Class -3rd Period

Frosh vs Frosh (JV by invite)Practice/Scrimmage 4-5:30 PM (full pads) @ Millcreek 

Best Thursday in Football 5:30-7:30 PM VARSITY ONLY (shells)


GAME DAY - Home vs. Herriman
Arrive in weight room at 5:20 PM
Uniform: Red Jersey, Gray Pants, White Accent


Varsity Only 7:00-9:00 AM


Monday, August 5, 2024


Fall camp week 1- DONE! What a great week! Boys are working so hard, and all their hard work is showing. 12-days til KICKOFF!!!

Wednesday, August 7th at 7:00 is our Red and Gray game. We are thankful to Viewmont for allowing us to use their field again this year! Thank you for being patient as we worked out these details as our home field had a slight delay. Gates open at 6:00 PM and player introductions will be at 6:50. Come hungary- we'll have dinner, snacks, drinks, game day shirts and performances by our Mandonelles and cheerleaders. It's a great time to invite friends and family! Please see the sign-up genius, as we still need parent volunteers! SIGN UP GENIUS

Our team store will be closing in the next few weeks! Get your gear for the season. Team Store 

Player packs are in! We will start handing them out this week. In order to pick up your "Player Pack" fees must be paid. All DSD accounts should be updated from any fundraising sales. Please reach out to Kim Austin in the BHS main office if you have any discrepancies.

Weekly Schedule


AM-Weights/Install/Film 7:30-9:30 AM

PM- Practice 5:00-7:45 PM


AM- Film/Install 7:30-9:30 AM

PM- Practice 5:00-7:45 PM


AM-Pre Game Meeting/Helmet Wings 8:00-8:55 AM

**Welcome Waffles Breakfast @ Carter Brooks Home 9:00 AM (Entire team is invited) Please be on your best behavior. A HUGE thanks to the Brooks Family!

PM- Red and Gray Game at Viewmont. Gates open at 6:00 PM (Come hungry-foot available for purchase) team introductions at 6:50, Kick off at 7:00 PM *Stadium clean up and cleared out by 9:00 PM Promptly!!


AM- Film/Opponent Scout 8:00-9:30 AM

PM- Practice 5:00-7:45 PM


AM- Team Pickleball Tournament at Washington Park 9:00 AM (Games start at 9:30) All players should plan to attend and participate.

11:00 AM -Team Lunch


Saturday- OFF ** Seniors plan to meet on Bountiful Main Street, 8:00 PM


Semi-Finals: Week of November 10 - 16

Don't stop!!  This team can do anything when we show up and work together.  Let's grind every minute of every day! We are one of 4 t...