Time flies when we are having fun! Another great game on Friday night. Thank you, friends and family, for coming out to support the boys. We have a great community.
We are so grateful for the team moms and for planning and serving breakfasts each game day. They couldn't do it without all your help donating small items, please continue to check the Sign Up Genius each week. Team Breakfast
Friday we were lucky to have Principal Warnick come speak to the team. His focus was on Mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, learn from them and move on. Don't let that prevent you from making the next play.
For anyone that hasn't paid all the football fees, please make sure those are taken care of as soon as possible. They are past due at this point. Coach Freck will begin talking with players that haven't paid fees, if there are any issues with paying fees, please let Coach Freck know.
For those of you interested, we have a representative from Coleman Knitting coming to size for Lettermans Jackets. We will meet just outside of the weight room at 7:00 PM on TUESDAY, August 27th. If you have any questions or would like more information. Please reach out to Carrie, at 801-604-9331. ALL ARE WELCOME!
This is a short week for us with Varsity on THURSDAY night at home and JV/FROSH at Olympus on Wednesday.
Monday -
4:00 - 6:45 PM Varsity (Full Pads)
5:00 - 7:30 PM Frosh (Full Pads)
Tuesday -
4:00 - 6:45 PM Varsity (Full Pads)
5:00 - 7:30 PM Frosh (Full Pads)
Wednesday -
"Best Thursday in Football" - WEDNESDAY edition
7:00 -8:25 AM - Varsity (Shells- No Guardians) *Back for 5th period at 9:35 for film.
4:00 PM JV @ Olympus **BUS leaves at 1:45 PM, excused from class at 1:30 PM (all of 8th period, make sure you touch base with your 8th period teacher)
6:00 PM Frosh @ Olympus **BUS leaves at 4:30 PM, arrive to weight room at 4:15 PM
Thursday -
7:00 PM Kickoff @ Home vs Olympus {KJAZZ Game of the Week}
**Uniform - Red Jersey, Gray Pants, Red Accent
***Arrive in weight room at 5:20 PM
Friday -
Varsity Film/Conditioning during class starting at 7:15 AM (Helmets)
Saturday - OFF
PM - Varsity 2:00-3:00 Lifting/Opponent Scout
Varsity Practice 3:30 - 6:00 PM
Frosh Practice 4:30 - 7:00 PM